TLC Viewpoints
Homeschool Conventions?
As we get ready to attend, and speak at, a homeschool convention this weekend, I am reminded of how crucial these state and regional conventions are to the movement of home education altogether…..
The Accidental Homeschooler
Ever since the lockdowns, there have been many who have been thrown into “homeschooling” and a percentage of those have decided to continue that journey. But what do you do when that adds one more plate to spin in the midst of a busy home and home business?
The bottom line is that people can be difficult. Every leader has at least one person that is the most difficult to lead. This person may be male or female, young or old, but they are…..
Rest for Young Mamas
I received a note with questions a couple of years ago from a sweet younger friend (I decidedly fit into the “older” category now) and gave her some answers that might be helpful for....
Family Scripture Time - Part 2
Doing family devotions can feel intimidating to those of us who have no formal Bible education. But the most important ingredients are….
Family Scripture Time - Part 1
Over the next two days I would like to share with you about the importance of family devotions and some practical ideas and perspectives about actually doing them as a family….
Leadership Influence: Why People Follow
You want to be able to positively influence people in your family, organization, and community. That’s what leadership is all about….
Feeling Like A Failure? - Part 2
Here are some thoughts and/or examples to help you start to exercise this new habit of thought process about not being a failure…
Feeling Like A Failure? - Part 1
Being a failure: If you make a practice of that last question, I can’t guarantee that you won’t EVER end up discouraged, but I can guarantee that the habit…..
The Value of Human Life
The value of human life must indeed be deliberately and deeply rooted to eliminate whatever form of racism that exists…..