The Value of Human Life

Selfishness contrasted against the value of human life. They cannot be separated to understand our current existence. 

When we think of racism, we are talking about the value of human life. The value of an individual only disappears through the selfishness of another. When we painfully dwell on abortion, the stark realization is that the identical ideology is insidiously working its effects in the devaluing of human life as in any form of prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against any of our fellow souls.

The value of human life must indeed be deliberately and deeply rooted to eliminate whatever form of racism that exists. And it must cover all of life, not just a part. If there is any diminishment at all, then all becomes at risk.


What is the determinant then of what is to be valued? Is it the ruling class’ privilege to determine that the non-ruling classes are not worthy? Does being a particular color give authority to determine that the other colors or skin are subordinate? Is it the characteristics of helplessness or strength that give the entitlement to determine merit?

“This boy is Ignorance and this girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.”1 There exists a palpable ignorance that grows in such degree that the lies become the truth and the truth is then considered a dangerous and prejudiced lie; the lie that flips the moral truth of the value of life on its head. An existence that separates and defeats by internal destruction. And if not defeated by internal destruction, by the external destruction that is inevitable from the skewed, oh so revoltingly skewed, philosophy.

How then is an ignorance that is fueled by both a mental refusal to think and from a lack of spiritual depth defeated? 

The defeat comes from moral truth, and moral truth emanates from the only place from which it is able. The Designer, the Author, the Beginning and End.



  1. Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens




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