Our Family

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As of 3/09/24

A bit about our family……

One of my many sayings has been “If we can do this, then anyone can”

We are a pretty average family (ok, well maybe a bit above average in number), so there is no need for you to feel inadequate. We want to give you HOPE with your Family, your Home Business, and Parent- Led Education.

With over two and a half decades of experience with discipleship, coaching and counseling, we decidedly have a passion for building strong Kingdom marriages, families and businesses whether we are helping people ourselves or pointing people to others for guidance. We have been married for almost 34 years, and have been home educating our nine children for almost 30 years. Seven graduated, two to go! Five married in the last six years and, as of this writing we are now grandparents of four granddaughters and four grandsons, with two more on the way.

In addition, Joe was engaged in business for eighteen years in several roles within the corporate world before starting his own business seventeen years ago. He has also served as a pastor or teaching elder for over 20 years. As a Professional Certified Coach (ICF), he now focuses on working with small business owners to build legacy and use their businesses as a platform to share Christ. Click here to visit him at joedenner.com . Find out a bit more about Andrea here.

June 2023

December 2022

June 2021

September 2020

Summer 2019

Summer 2018

Fall 2017

Christmas 2016

Fall 2015

Fall 2014

Fall 2013

Fall 2011

Summer 2010

Christmas 2007