Feeling Like A Failure? - Part 2

Part 1 HERE


Here are some thoughts and/or examples to help you start to exercise this new habit of thought process about not being a failure….even though we know that we fail sometimes. Please let me know if you have any questions!!

  1. I’m going to start this off with the realm that touches people throughout their whole lives. The issue of friends. And what I am going to say may be a revelation to you, it may be a confirmation of things you already thought, or it may be a welcome relief. Friends take work. Most of the time they don’t come to people naturally, and in general, you are going to be the one that has to do the work. Most likely you didn’t do something wrong….people are just too busy. (I realize that there are exceptions to this, but in this day and age it is the norm) Even the best of friends take time and energy to keep close. Move forward.

  2. One thing about feeling like you have failed in the family realm is that, in general, there is usually still contact. Most people have reason to stay in contact with their family members even if there is tension or breaks in the relationship. There is ALWAYS room for reconciliation and restoration. And while I understand that sometimes there are times for “boundaries”; many times the problem is that people don’t know where to “start again” or “move forward” and they remain in a state of failure instead of delineating a failure from their own personhood. Move forward.

  3. Although I did not mention “comparison” in the family realm, it is as valid a concern as it is within the realm of home education. In the day and age of social media, it is easy to look at others’ highlight reels and compare our home educating pursuits to theirs. And, frankly, you may do it less creatively, less spiritually, less travel - ly, less classically, less….you get the idea. And, say it with me, That. Is. OK. It doesn’t make you a failure if you don’t turn your living room into a working heart muscle. Really. What matters is that you do what God is commanding you to do and it is absolutely going to look different that what other people are doing. Move forward.

  4. Feeling like a failure looks different in each category of life. That is why it can insidiously discourage us if we don’t have a “thought plan” ready to combat it from every tactic the feeling takes. Home business also can look different for each family pursuing it. Brick and mortar, curriculum sales, service type of work, coaching and more; there is a certain type of work and mindset required for being an entrepreneur (that I don’t believe has to be inherent), and there will be failures along the way. It’s why many businesses fail in the first three years…and oh man, our first three years were doozies….but to learn to grab the failure as a failure instead of allowing it to define you is how your mindset needs to change. Move forward!

I (we) will be writing more specifically about all four of these topics in the future. Again, let me know if there are specific questions that you have within these topics. And, after hinting about our first three years, I think a synopsis of our journey might be in order :)


Leadership Influence: Why People Follow


Feeling Like A Failure? - Part 1