Family Scripture Time - Part 2
Doing family devotions can feel intimidating to those of us who have no formal Bible education. But the most important ingredients are a humble heart and a desire to both learn and grow, together. Don’t think of family devotions as a class you are teaching, but rather something you and your family are learning and experiencing together.
Just dive into God’s word. Simply read portions of it together. Paul encouraged us to “give attention to the public reading of Scripture” because there is power in the word of God. If you want, you can leave room for comments and observations. This can be facilitated by a prompting question or two like, “What did you notice in that passage” or “What did you hear?”
Three other aspects that we have woven into our time over the years are singing, Scripture memory, and prayer. Prayer has been an essential part of our devotions for the majority of the years.
One key thing we learned in the early years was to be flexible. Don’t be too rigid about what you do or when you do it. While this should be an important and valued part of your rhythm, you can miss a day or two here and there. Remember the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.