Health Intensive #4

Getting enthused about the main part of the Health Intensive πŸŽ‰

And as for our water challenge, please don't give up even if you didn't meet your goal yet! And please jump in if you haven't yet πŸ™‚
And I would love to hear how you are doing if you have already started with me!!
(to jump in, click on #1 in the hashtag box, or just find the post from December 21st)
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The point is not perfection. We are trying to accomplish new habits. So if you are drinking more than you did last week, you are moving forward!!
And let's talk about my opinion of what "counts".
Cup of water = Absolutely
Lemon water = Same
Hot tea = Definitely
Fresh carrot juice = indeed, this is pure water with added benefits!
Coffee = I am willing to count one as long as you are also getting water in other ways....and I am NOT counting Starbucks specialty drinks even though I might have one soon πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


Health Intensive #5


Merry Christmas Eve